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COVID - 19

Branch Updates

Updated: 3/18/2020 at 2:00 PM CST (the following changes will be effective March 19, 2020)




Velva Velva, ND Lobby Closed
Minot Minot, ND Lobby Closed 

Online services, drive-ups, and appointments will be available.


Letter from the President & CEO

To our Valued Peoples State Bank customers: 


In order to help keep our customers, employees, and communities safe in our Nation’s rapidly evolving fight to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we are implementing changes to our procedures that may impact the way you typically   do your banking business with us. These decisions were not made lightly and have been made in accordance with health authorities’ social-distancing recommendations, and in conformance with our 105-year history of always doing what is best for you, our customer. We feel it is best and most prudent to be proactive and get ahead of COVID-19 rather than take the risk of waiting to see what happens.


Please rest assured we have all the technical and capital resources we need to keep our bank up and running. With our state-of-the art technology, remote work capability and ability to rotate our highly trained, top notch team, we will always continue to meet all your banking needs just as we always have.


Therefore, the following changes will be effective March 19, 2020:


In Bank Lobby Transactions:  We will be closing our lobbies to all normal traffic beginning at the normal close of business today, Wednesday, March 18th.  While our lobbies are closed, we will be relying on our drive-ups, telephones and top-notch online and mobile banking systems to keep your transactions as convenient as possible, while allowing us to comply with social-distancing recommendations. We will also allow in person visits when necessary on an appointment basis. 

We realize this may impact the way you typically transact with us.  Don’t worry though – we will remain open for our regular business hours and all of our banking services will remain fully available.  And, we will continue to provide the same great service you deserve.  Most importantly, we will continue to answer your calls!  Please call us if you prefer to handle your business by phone, we’d love to hear from you!  


Transactions Currently Conducted in our Lobbies – including Deposits, Withdrawals, Payments, Check Cashing, Cash Advances, Wires, Money Order Purchases, etc.:  Our lobbies will be closed, but our drive-ups will remain open for all our typical lobby transactions.  You may also drop deposits/payments off in any of our night drops, which are located at both branches and will be checked each morning and throughout the day.  If you need to meet with a Peoples State Bank team member in person, please call ahead to schedule an appointment. 


Business Change Orders: Whenever possible, we will transact change orders through our drive-up windows.  If your change order is large or you simply wish for your order to be ready upon your arrival at our bank, please call ahead and a Peoples State Bank team member will have the order ready when you arrive. 


Online Transactions: We already have one of the best online banking platforms around!  If you aren’t currently taking advantage of our online or mobile banking solutions, we’d love to set you up!  Simply go to our website to Enroll or call a Personal Banker, who will happily set you up with online and/or mobile access and walk you through the basics.  Whether you prefer to log in on a desktop computer, a tablet or your phone – we have you covered!  You can transfer funds, view transactions, make payments and even deposit checks!  And, all these services, including mobile deposit, are FREE!


Loans:  Our loan officers will be fully available by phone or e-mail. If you need to transact your business in person, please contact your Loan Officer to set up an appointment. 


New Accounts: If you would like to open a new account, simply call a Personal Banker.  Our Personal Bankers will ask you a few questions, so they can quickly prepare the new account papers for you and then you can swing through our drive-up to sign.  If you need to open an account in person, please contact a Personal Banker to set up an appointment. 


Safe Deposit Box Access:  If you would like to access your Safe Deposit Box, simply call ahead to schedule an appointment, so we can ensure you have plenty of time, as well as social distance from others, while accessing your safe deposit box. 


ATM Fees: Did you know you have access to more than 32,000 free ATM’s?  Peoples State Bank of Velva is part of the MoneyPass network, which is a nationwide network of fee-free ATMs.  There are over 15 just in the Minot area! 


As always, we would like to sincerely thank you for choosing Peoples State Bank of Velva!  We know this is a very challenging situation and many of you may be feeling overwhelmed, but please know that all of us at Peoples State Bank of Velva will always here for you! Together, we will all get through these times and when this is over, together we will look back on this knowing we as a Nation are stronger than ever. If you have any questions or concerns with any of the above changes, or if you are facing a financial difficulty that we may be able to help with, please call us.  And, please like us on Facebook and check our website for future updates. Most of all, please know we will always be here for you! 


Thank you!




Rick Beall

Chief Executive Officer